Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Play literacy task

In this play literacy task we had to change the ending to the legend about te-mata peak. Here is mine:

Rongokako Climbed up the mountain in one step bent down to dig the path(with his mouth) when a potato hit his head. He sat for a while and wondered where it came from then bent down again to take a bit when the tiny potato grew to the size of a small man, then it grew to the size of a house, then a tree, and so on until…. The potato got so big that it covered Rongokako fully closing off all air so he couldn't breathe. Hinerakau run up the mountain just as the potato shrunk but she was too late Rongokako was dead. Hinerakau was saddened by this and couldn’t bear it so she jumped off the hill and fell to her death.

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