Monday, April 14, 2014

Trip to the snow

πŸ˜„πŸ˜ŽTrip to the snowπŸ˜ŽπŸ˜„

CRUSH, I started walking, following my sister to look down at the humongous glacier. It was light blue,full of cracks, and extremely dangerous. When I looked down I saw these tiny people just like ants, climbing down the glacier. They had to be very careful. If they slipped they could die. 

While I was watching the ant sized people, I heard giggling then out of nowhere A snowball hit me!!!!  “SNOWBALL FIGHT!!!” I started throwing big chunks of freezing snow at Dad and Xanthia. They threw more back. So I threw even more back at them. They did the same. The fun fight carried on like this until Xanthia hit Dad with a HUMONGOUS hunk of snow. “I've had enough,” Dad told me and Xanthia. So we stopped throwing  big hunks of cold snow as well. (well don’t you think snowball fights are boring with only two people?) And that was it. Until next time………….πŸ˜‰.

I got the picture from:


  1. Wow! This story is so awesome Kendra. Keep it up

  2. Wow! kendra this story tells lots of information about going to the snow and tells us details

    Keep the work up
